Like Blackpool on drugs

Just before Xmas we met up with some friends who’d just been to Queenstown. They’d hated it; one of them said it was so tacky that it reminded her of Blackpool. Given that they had foul weather they could maybe be forgiven for not noticing the majestic mountains and crystal lake, and yes, it is […]

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NZ Wildlife part 4 (down at the old Cow and Fish)

Back in old Blighty, I’m in the habit of visiting a nightclub every month or so, to dance the night away with like minded inidivduals. I knew that this particular type of wildlife might be rare in NZ, but I’ve tried to seek suitable dance emporiums. The first attempt was in Taupo back in November, […]

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Xtreme Xmas

Being neither a believer in Christianity nor Capitalism, I’m not a great fan of Christmas. I’d probably be able to handle it if it didn’t go on for so long, but Christmas cards are in the shops by September, and by October resturants are playing ‘Don’t They Know It’s Christmas’ (has anyone who puts that […]

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Squamous Toes

I couldn’t come to New Zealand for two months and not attempt a long tramp (Kiwis – people not birds, assume people from now on, ok? – refer to long walks as tramps, which can cause misunderstandings, as in the poster at a YHA headed ‘Going for a tramp?’ under which some wit had written ‘Make sure […]

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NZ Wildlife part 2 (trip to bird island)

Whilst there’s still plenty of unique natural wonders in New Zealand, thanks to a thousand years or so of human intervention the wildlife is a shadow of its former self, so I wanted to go somewhere as close as it’s possible to get to the way this land was we before humans arrived. Kapiti is a small, […]

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Great Steaming Holes

Broadly speaking, our plan is to start at the top of New Zealand and work our way down. So, after a brief stop-over in Auckland, we went up to the Bay of Islands in the ”winterless north” (remember, winter is summer and north is south). Lovely crinkly coasts with sandy beaches, rocky offshore islands and bush-covered […]

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NZ Wildlife, part 1 (Belching at Tuis)

My postings to this blog are liable to get less frequent now, despite the improved internet access in New Zealand. This is because we’re gone from spending short periods in each place and going on lots of tours to longer, more laid back stopovers with not much formal planned. We’re still managing to fill our days, but in […]

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The NZ Effect

The journey from Easter Island to New Zealand was as grim as I’d feared. The first leg, Easter Island back to Santiago, gave me a third chance to watch ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, which I’d only watched the first time because of Mr Depp. It also provided a meal (‘probably lunch’) which consisted of tepid […]

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Sun, Sea and Giant Stone Heads

Turns out Easter Island does have fast internet access, just one of my assumptions about this place I´ve had challenged. I wasn´t convinced about coming here. Firstly, for reasons our travel agent will be asked to explain on our return, we have to go on to New Zealand via South America (check an atlas – this […]

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