Conventions are like buses. Nothing for months then – hey! – two in a row. I’m at both FantasyCon and BristolCon this year, though quite lightly programmed. At FantasyCon, on Saturday 20th October I’ll be doing a reading and appearing on a panel on writing for video-games, at 5pm and 7pm respectively (probably – exact […]
FantasyCon and BristolCon
Hidden Sun is out in the world
With the exception of my first novel (Principles of Angels), Hidden Sun is the book that has taken the longest time to go from ‘what if’ to published novel. This is partly because it brings together a lot of stuff which has been bubbling away under the surface, including long-term obsessions and a pleasant early […]
Hidden Sun – cover reveal
Less than two months until Hidden Sun is out, and I’m getting excited! As things hot up (metaphorically; it’s quite hot enough in the real world right now), I bring you Angry Robot’s official cover reveal.
My Eastercon Schedule
For anyone who’s going to Follycon, here’s where I’ll be, and when: Friday 5.30pm – Newcon Press Launch Party in the Drawing Room, with Ian Whates and several oner Newcon authors. There will be drinks. And maybe a reading from me as technically, one of the many Newcon titles being launched is ‘The Martian Job’. […]
Persistence Pays Off
Anyone who writes, or more specifically anyone who submits their writing to be published, will be familiar with rejection. Our stories get rejected, sometimes for reasons that make sense to us, sometimes with no reason given, sometimes for reasons that perplex us. We just have to suck it up and move on to the next […]
Review – Embers of War
Set in a post-war galactic civilisation, Embers of War delivers classic space opera action whilst feeling like a true 21st century novel. The Trouble Dog is a sentient warship, now decommissioned and run by a skeleton crew of misfits. The war is over and it’s a time of reconciliation and redemption so these days the […]
Recommended… and recruited.
So far 2018 has seen various pleasing developments on the writing front. One of these is finding that my interplanetary heist novella, ‘The Martian Job‘ has made it onto Locus’s Recommended Reading List. Another is being accepted as a writer for the marvellously named Black Library, the fiction arm of Games Workshop. My first piece for […]
The Last Jedi – review
I’ve left it a while to post this review, for two reasons. Firstly, I needed to see the film again to gather my thoughts. Secondly: here be spoilers, so I was waiting until most of those who have an interest had probably seen it. Overall, I wasn’t that impressed. This was, in part, because the […]
The Martian Job
Happy Book birthday to me. I went off a bit early, announcing the release of my new novella from Newcon Press a couple of weeks back, but it really is out today. I loved writing it, given my brief was just to write a story set on Mars, an idea which then collided with my […]
Some thoughts on Bladerunner 2049 (with spoilers clearly marked)
This isn’t a comprehensive review, more an attempt to record my initial impressions after seeing the film last night. I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff I missed or misinterpreted on first viewing. First off, there will be further viewings, because – thank ghu! – it was essentially sound. I liked it. I did not love […]