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… books out and about

Much has been said about how e-books will change our reading habits – and our lives. I’ve no interest in either railing against or defending these changes. I’ll leave that to more informed people with clearer agendas and views. Changes will happen: we’ll adjust. Things will be gained and things lost. But one small aspect […]

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Books in, books out…

This year, Beloved and I haven’t had an argument. Or rather, we haven’t had a specific argument – OK, not really an argument, more a discussion which has been known to get heated – that normally occurs around now. It’s known in our household as the Great Book Cull. We love books but don’t have […]

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The wrong notebook!

I’ve lost my notebook. Well, more accurately, I’ve lost a notebook. But just calling it ‘a notebook’ doesn’t do justice to this loss, which I’m quite peeved about, as you may be able to tell. The recent failure of said notebook to be anywhere I expect it to be did get me thinking about the […]

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Short story sale

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve sold a story to the fantastically titled ‘Mammoth Book of Tales from the Vatican Vaults’, due out in spring 2015. The premise behind this anthology is that the Catholic Church might have kept a few things secret down the years … but now the truth can be told. Lots […]

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Nice words from other people

As part of the continuing expansion of this lovely new website, another page has magically appeared overnight. (OK, not technically ‘magically’, but as M made the change to the menu for me, it is beyondr my lower-than-you’d-expect Clarke horizon) The ‘Reviews’ page repeats some of the nice things people have said about my books, online and […]

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Free Fiction, get it here.

Although the free story I put up a few weeks ago, The Path to the Sun, has been present in a hidden achievement kind of a way since my new site went live, there’s now an actual menu option to take you to it, and more. So far there are three short stories accessible under […]

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In with the new …

Look at this! Isn’t it lovely! Sorry, but I’m unduly enthusiastic about my new website, brought to you by the technical expertise of M-the-Ubergeek, plus some tweaking from yours truly. Actually the content is, at the moment, remarkably similar to the old site, though hopefully with less typos and more consistent fonts. However, over the […]

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Tis the season…

In what may be one of the last posts on this blog (gasp!) I’d like to wish all my readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Before you panic (what, you weren’t panicking? ooh-kay), this isn’t because I’m off to join a nunnery or bike across Asia. It’s because is about to […]

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Changes on the way…

Over the next few weeks, this website will be getting a revamp. It won’t all happen at once – although there may be a moment of mild shock and confusion between Xmas and New Year, which I’m sure we’ll all deal with – but for now, there have been updates to the ‘Short Stories‘ page, […]

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