On the Fourth Day of Christmas (or thereabouts)

Remember those pens … ? The ones I referred to a couple of weeks back? Well, I still haven’t got around to buying them. I will though. I don’t know how your Festering Season is progressing (well, one hopes), but my week’s non-hectic schedule includes watching/reading some carefully hoarded DVDs/books, a list of ‘not exactly work’ activities (including items such as ‘buy nice pens to lose’) and a ludicrous amount of chocolate.

This period of relative rest has also seen me indulging in the activity known in our household as ‘p*ssing about on t’internets’, as a result of which I found a rather nice review of Bringer of Light, which I’d missed the first time around. I like this review not just because it’s positive, but because it’s easy-to-read and informative; the reviewer has patently paid attention to, and thought about, the book. (Like many writers I’m less irked by a well-considered but negative review than by an inconclusive but inaccurate one. The former I can learn from: the latter shows the reviewer hasn’t made the effort. Whereas a well thought out and complimentary review like this can make our day.)

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