In my head and out in the real world

Work on the first draft of Queen of Nowhere continues apace, if somewhat interrupted by other stuff such as the day-job, my social life, uncharacteristic bouts of exercise, and sleep. Our hero has just sealed herself in a (non airtight and padded) box for reasons that make perfect sense to her. I may also have also found the perfect quote for this book, from (gawd help me) the CIA website. More on that later, perhaps.

Meanwhile something frivolous yet charitable: the marvellous Paul Cornell is, bless ‘im, growing a beard for Shelter. Excellent bloke, top charity – support him here.

Finally for now, I’ve taken the plunge and doubled my con attendance plans for the year, so as well as Eastercon where (I hope) I’ll be appearing on a panel or two near you the bar, I’m also going to Bristolcon, a small and interesting sounding convention in (duh) Bristol.

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