Author Checklist #3 – Tax Breaks

That ideal world I referred to a while back would make the following tax deductible to help out us poor starving writers:

1. Chocolate. Because we need to encourage ourselves.

2. Massages. Because we spend a long time sitting in one (possibly uncomfortable) position while the words (hopefully) pour out.

3. Wine. See chocolate.

4. Pizza (when used as an aid to plotting). OK, that’s probably just me.

5. Beloved (when I pick his brains). Yeah, that’s definitely just me. But really, he should be.

It’s been one of those busy yet quiet weeks in the garret, with little of import to report. However, apropos of last week’s post, I will say that my so-far very limited sample of googled goodness implies that ‘Guardians of Paradise’ as a search phrase is going to be netting me a fair amount of eco-spam. Makes a change from god-spam I suppose.

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