Son of Forthcoming Attractions

After some months with no news on the short story front, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve got some short stories coming out in the next few months.

The first one is in the March edition of the critically acclaimed US magazine Aoife’s Kiss. ‘King of Pain’ is actually – shock horror! – a fantasy story, though it’s somewhat twisted, and a little dark in places. It’ll be available from March 1st.

The second is ‘The Weakest Witch’, one of my rare attempts at humour, which will be appearing in a forthcoming issue of the literary e-zine Wild Violet.

I’m also hoping to see another story of mine, ‘Twilight at the Change House’ in the final issue of the now sadly defunct US ‘zine Aeon; they ‘re putting it in their wrap-up ‘End of an Aeon’ issue, though there have been some hold-ups. Obviously I’ll pimp it here when I know more.

In other news, I’ve just seen the cover for Guardians of Paradise. It’s something of a different look to the first two Hidden Empire books, but I really like it. I’m hoping to put it up on this blog once I’ve got to grips with the ‘new & improved’ blog editor, but I you fancy a look it’s already on Amazon.

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