That was the week that was

Saturday’s ‘triple signing’ at Forbidden Planet was the most low-key of the ‘professional engagements’ I had last week. I’m not sure that Southampton was ready for a trio of female SF writers emerging from the basement signing-pit to press dubious oriental snacks on passing geeks. But we had fun anyway.

I’ve now got not one, but two, links to the week’s first event, as passed on by friends (thanks, guys). These piccies, from Hitch, give a good idea of the buzz in the Little Green Dragon bookshop for the signing proper, while these, from Martin S, focus rather more on the post-signing pub session, and feature a surprise appearance by his mum, and (reinforcing the link between junk food and book signings) some inappropriate snack-deployment by yours truly.

I’m not sure if there are any pictures from the FP signing out there, but if so, it’s a sure bet they’ll feature wasabi peas.

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