A Sale is Sighted

Any day now I hope to receive a contract from GUD magazine for my story ‘Fear Not Heaven’s Fire’. This will end a horrendous dry period of (gulp) two years without a pro (or even semi-pro) sale. Granted, for four months of that time I was off galavanting around the world, but the rest of the time I had up to a dozen stories out there languishing in slush waiting to be rejected.

I really hope this sale heralds the end of this illogical and disheartening drought. I’m trying not to get over-exited, especially as the story I’ve just sold, which I refer to as ‘The Naughty Nun’ is not one I expected to sell at all. That it has owes a lot to a particular editor liking it, said editor having done me an  illo when she first read it and having already bought it once for a magazine that sadly folded before it was published – a fate I hope I’m not damning GUD to.

But a sale is a sale and it feels good after all this time. Even the latest batch of rejections have been of the ‘Close but no cigar – do send more’ variety, so I am tentatively hoping that perhaps things might finally be looking up.

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